Cookie Policy

We inform you that this page uses cookies to better set up our system and to improve the presentation of our offer.

Cookies are small text files that collect data such as your IPO address, your web browser and the settings of your computer, smartphone or other device you use to access the Internet each time you visit our website.

There are three types of cookies that we use: session cookies, which expire when you close your browser and that support the functionality of our website, collecting information on how you used our website, which sections you visited, in which way and for how long; persistent cookies, the purpose of which is to recognise users when they visit the website next time and to record other linked websites that you visit, with the purpose of optimising and speeding up the online experience, lasting until the user deletes them; Google Analytics or similar technology (pixel tracking etc.) i.e. tools to measure how users interact with the web content.

All the listed data is processed to better understand your interests and needs so that we can provide a higher quality offer. Regarding data control, we collect and process personal data for the purpose of reservations and the management of guests, receipts and charges, marketing campaigns, and satisfaction surveys. The data listed is only processed if you provide consent, which you can withdraw at any given moment. The data is intended for the use of Dubrovnik Sun Gardens Ltd. and our service providers. You may inspect, access, modify or object to such processing by contacting our data protection officer at email: [email protected]. For more information, see our Personal Data Protection Policy is available here.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, simply visit the settings of this website and click on “Opt out”.

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To make this website run properly and to improve your experience, we use cookies. For more detailed information, please check our Cookie Policy.

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Allow or deny the website to use functional and/or advertising cookies described below: